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Vancouver Island School of Art

302-733 Johnson St, Victoria, BC V8W 3C7 250-380-3500

Supply List - Collage and Gouache


Please note, we will be discussing gouache in the first class so unless you have gouache already, hold off until we can discuss what to buy. FYI, we won’t be using acrylic gouache (Holbein or Liquitex).

Gouache (in individual 15ml tubes)

-Blue – one of the following: cobalt, cerulean or ultramarine

-Red – one of the following: cadmium, naphthol or pyrrol

-Yellow – one of the following: cadmium, azo or hansa

-Cadmium orange

-Dioxazine purple

-Payne's Gray

-Ivory Black

-Titanium White 150ml tube


-Either pads or individual sheets with a smooth cold press surface (i.e., Winsor & Newton bristol 250g, Strathmore Mixed Media 300 g)

-Some cartridge paper

-Some newsprint paper

-found paper


-one or more plastic palette knives

-pad of disposable palette sheets

-a couple of hog bristle brushes, no smaller than No. 8. Avoid nylon brushes as they don't work well with traditional gouache.

-Xacto knife with extra blades

-metal ruler-scissors, small like embroidery scissors-paper towels-glue sticks or mat medium



The Vancouver Island School of Art is delighted to have a partnership with Opus Art Supplies so please consider using this link and clicking on your course to purchase supplies from Opus Art Supplies: Partnership Page.


You can also consider an Opus A+ Membership, where students can sign up to save 10% on all orders during their studies: Sign Up For Opus A+ Membership.

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