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Vancouver Island School of Art


302-733 Johnson St, Victoria, BC V8W 3C7 250-380-3500

Supply List - Painting: The Flower as Art



Materials needed for in-class exercises:

- Arches Watercolour Pad 9 x 12”, cold press

- set of watercolours (for in-class exercises)

- watercolour brush (size 10 or equivalent)

- HB pencil

- eraser

- glue stick

- scissors

- fashion magazine such as Vogue (great for collage!)

I do recommend you buy yourself a Vogue magazine because one magazine will last you the entire course. Some in-class projects will involve collage

You can choose any painting medium of your choice to do homework assignments. This will be discussed in more detail on the first class.

- paints (oil, acrylics, watercolour or gouache) in a range of colours including warm and cool yellow, warm and cool red, warm and cool blue, two greens, one orange, one violet and a tube of white

- matte medium (acrylic), odourless mineral spirits and walnut oil (oils)

- palette to mix paint on: disposable palette pads for acrylic or oil; plastic palettes for watercolour or gouache

- variety of brushes (small, large, round, flat)

- six surfaces to paint on such as watercolour paper (1/4 sheet minimum for homework) for watercolour and gouache or stretched canvases or cradled panels for acrylic or oil (canvas paper or canvas board is not recommended); surface of choice should be at least 12” x 12” or larger


The Vancouver Island School of Art is delighted to have a partnership with Opus Art Supplies so please consider using this link and clicking on your course to purchase supplies from Opus Art Supplies: Partnership Page.


You can also consider an Opus A+ Membership, where students can sign up to save 10% on all orders during their studies: Sign Up For Opus A+ Membership.

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