Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson St, Victoria, BC V8W 3C7 250-380-3500
Supply List - Painting: The Lure of the Local
Items required for the first class:
- 11"x14" coil-bound sketchbook (or larger)
- graphite pencils
- white soft eraser
Additional items to be discussed at first class:
- paints (oil, acrylics, watercolour or gouache) in a range of colours including red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, burnt umber, etc.
- matte medium (acrylic) / odourless mineral spirits and walnut or linseed oil (oil)
- variety of brushes suited to your choice of paint
- surfaces to paint on (canvas, panel or rag paper)
- rags
- palette knife
- paint apron (suggested)
- large container or jar for water
- pad of newsprint
The Vancouver Island School of Art is delighted to have a partnership with Opus Art Supplies so please consider using this link and clicking on your course to purchase supplies from Opus Art Supplies: Partnership Page.
You can also consider an Opus A+ Membership, where students can sign up to save 10% on all orders during their studies: Sign Up For Opus A+ Membership.