David is a plein air painter who finds great inspiration in what he sees and feels in nature. As an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists his paintings can be seen online (www.davidgoodpainter.com) and at galleries in Victoria.
He has 30 years of experience as a public servant working in Ottawa in the Canadian federal government including several Assistant Deputy Minister positions in central agencies and line departments. For 15 years he was a professor of public policy and public administration at the University of Victoria, teaching, mentoring, consulting, and researching. He is also the author of numerous publications and books in the field of public policy and public sector reform.
He is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley (PhD and MPP in public policy), the University of Pennsylvania (Masters in City Planning), and the University of Waterloo (BA in urban and regional planning).
When not painting David can be found sailing, skiing, travelling, puttering around his coach house and garden in Rockland, or enjoying time with his family.